As A Leading Manufacturer Of Seismograph Equipment

Nomis Seismographs
Our equipment allows you to monitor ground vibrations and air over-pressure with ease and accuracy. They can be used for most vibration and sound monitoring activities. This includes blasting operations, pile driving operations, construction equipment activity, environmental activity, ambient levels, and any other operation where a permanent record is needed. Our complete line of seismographs meets or exceeds ISEE standards.

About Us
All Nomis Seismographs are manufactured in Birmingham, Alabama with pride and expertise. We have been recognized worldwide as a leading manufacturer of seismograph equipment (seismic monitoring equipment) for the construction, mining, quarrying and demolition fields since 1982.

Support you can Trust
Nomis Seismographs is well respected for its personalized service after the sale. Our service department is second to none. Nomis offers factory authorized parts, service and calibration for all of its units. Annual calibration is recommended. This includes calibration of the transducer, microphone, and an overall inspection of the seismograph is performed by any Nomis Seismograph authorized calibration facility.
where you will always find quality equipment and
exceptional service
Contact Us
4766 Grantswood Rd Suite 100
Irondale, Alabama 35210
Toll Free: 800-749-2477
Telephone: 205-592-2488
Fax: 205-951-3766
[email protected]